Nobody is persecuting you. Your comparison with Nazi Germany and the USSR is juvenile and ridiculous.
The reason people attack the DM is because they don't trust it and don't consider it credible. There's plenty of cases (and I know this because I myself have pointed some out to you) where upon further investigation, the mail has been discovered massaging figures or not reading them properly and generally - even by the dismal standards of the British press - signs of poor journalism.
This is made worse by the forcefulness and, yes, vitriol you can find in a lot of its pieces. We can see the Mail writes like this, but on closer inspection it bases such forceful conclusions on such bad evidence. That makes people angry, and justifiably so. What makes it worse is that so many people buy into it - it's very frustrating. Or if they don't, then they do what a lot of Mail readers seem to do (I know an awful lot of people who this applies to) - they'll buy it as an easy lunchbreak read and 'skim over' or ignore "all the crap" (their words, not mine).
Sure, you get the odd crackpot who wants to ban it. But nobody's trying to remove you - they're taking issue with the validity of your source for the reasons I've outlined above. Why do you consider this persecution? You readily get on your soap box to "criticise" immigration/ethnic minorities, but whenever anyone attacks what you're saying, you back into a corner and moan about persecution and freedom of speech. Why don't you try showing us how you're right? Why don't you try defending your ideas? Or are you incapable of it?
Come to think of it, how that approach remotely constructive? The whole point of freedom of speech is that ideas can come from everywhere, and we can work out which ideas work, which don't, and make progress from the ones that do. How can that possibly happen if one corner says "I believe this, for these reas