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Since we live in a multi racist society, would it not also be racist to only post on news items that involve only whites?
I am treading on glass here, and I have to be careful what I say, in case this question gets withdrawn again, hence my reason for not referring to the original story.
But call me what you like, I know that the ED will not ban me for being a racist, because I am not, only to those that want to stifle sensitive issues such as this, my question was obviously reported by someone who wishes me censored.
All the more reason for me to carry on, and tell it as it is.
Interesting to note however that the issue of the teachers remarks were not discussed, I thought that what AnswerBanks purpose was, perhaps it would be better for an 'Anti AOG' topic section to be formed, it would then stop the clutter of such posts on the 'News' topic section.