I was just about to close my computer down + go to bed when I noticed your response: The most significant bit in it is where you refer to "the strains upon the English budget." Which one might that be? Is there such a thing presently called an "English budget"?
I do not ask to be controversial, and I admit that the present set-up is complicated to most lay people, myself definitely included, but apart from the 3 devolved budgets, are you saying that on top of that, Scotland, Wales and N.I. are somehow getting hand outs, or a share of, what's meant to be England only money? That's what is sounds like? How exactly does that work? Because I, perhaps wrongly, assumed that anyone in the U.K., notwithstanding devolved budgets, were still entitled to certain other U.K. government controlled finances, i.e. defence budget (and others)? According to my reading of your post, though, it sounds as though only England should be entitled, hence the other 3 countries are dependent on English generosity?
Does that mean that as someone living in England, and of course a taxpayer, I'm paying over the odds to generously and heavily subsidise the other 3 countries?
Off to bed but I'll check up later today, if you feel like responding of course? Cheers.