If you are at university and hoping to get a job in IT, or any other highly skilled job, forget it as it can only get tougher to get a job,as Britain is preparing to accept 20,000 skilled Indian workers every year.
This is all thanks to the EU, with a little help from our old friend Vince Cable.
These workers upon arriving on our shores will be exempt from National Insurance in their first year, yet be able to use the NHS for free..
A little bit more factual info from the Economic Times:
Quoting sources, the report said Indians wanted Britain to give between 15,000 and 20,000 visas to its citizens every year, compared with 3,000 for France and 7,000 for Germany .
Only highly-skilled workers would be eligible for the visas. Under the deal, Britain is predicted to win about half of the proposed 4 billion pounds trade, providing a significant boost to exports.
'Highly skilled workors' would seem to preclude university leaver to me.
Well......I have been hearing that there are NO jobs out here and that is why the unemployment figures are rising.
It would seem that there is scope for "soaking up" the unemployed.
They can already, sandyroe - there was an article in the news last week about the millions spent on overseas citizens who failed to cough up for treatment received in the UK. I found it astounding.
When I was in hospital there were several forigner tourists in the beds and were not even asked to pay. The American in the next bed actually asked to whom he should pay and was still not charged. Nobody to whom he spoke bothered to follow it up . One of them did suggest he wrote in to find out . No wonder the Americans describe the NHS as socialised medicine.
I love our NHS but like all state run enterprises it is inefficient and costs us a fortune.
As IT workers are very convserant with the internet it makes you wonder why British firms want to import Indian workers when they could easily carry out the work at a remote station in India. We already have call centres in India where they ship the work abroad....I fail to see why we need to add more to our overcrowded population plus the wages are far far lower than in the UK.