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Phrases & Sayings

Welcome To Phrases & Sayings where it is what you say and how you say it that is important.

Please feel free to share what makes you chuckle in the Jokes section.

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i don not have much budget for my wedding dress. does anyone know where to find the cheap wedding dress?...
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Several times lately I've heard the curious expression 'pushing the envelope'. What on earth is this supposed to refer to? Is this more rubbish-speak like 'blue sky thinking', which must refer to day...
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one word for "super large areas" - 9 letters the answer a name of a sweet...
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Is there a word for a tv programme or film that you know is intended to be a comedy but you don't find it the least bit amusing? All I can come up with is [i]non-serious[i] but I'd prefer a single,...
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Does anyone know the translation of what I believe to be a Swahili sasying?? Usitunge Mashairi Lazima Ufikiri Many thanks...
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Hello, Can anyone help with the following, it's driving me mad. When I was a young girl, I recall the beginning part of a saying my grandmother use to say - something along the lines of "Don't dance...
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Hey everyone, I'm working with my thesis about English language and need some information about: How they apply American English in "Da Vinci code"? Please make some examples for me, thank you.)...
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Can anyone recall the name for the effect of increasing volumes of conversation. I'm thinking of in an office environment say where you suddenly realise that everyone is talking in really raised...
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Is the word "defence" or "defense" - or is the version with S the American way of spelling?...
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We have a symbol for 'at' - @. And we have 2 symbols for 'and' - +, &. Why don't we have one for 'the'? After all, it's probably the most frequently used word in just about every language. Make sense,...
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l. super large area - 9 letters - the answer is a sweet or chocolate
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Phrase to do with haricot beans
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Looking for help arm-chair. Fly-master. Forward-glass thanks again
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When people say 'He got away with it SCOT FREE', how did that phrase originate?
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Come on in! Nungate Towers is open for another meeting of AB's Mad Over Fifties! With Queenie and Best Beloved away in Cardiff it's been a struggle to get things organised for tonight's meeting. As we...
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Does anybody know the origin of the phrase 'Going Like the Clappers'?
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Answers are loosely connected to Maths (a number, term, shape, etc. somewhere in the answer. This is the last one I'm stuck on: Children's game but not rolling. 4,6 Many thanks in anticipation....
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Does anyone know an amusing version of Hamlet's speech 'To be or not to be' which is all about the game of Bridge? It begins 'To bid or not to bid that is the question' and unfortunately I have lost...
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Heard a phrase ages ago basically saying that to verbally belittle/demean someone actually lessens you. But I would like to know the exact phrase (if it standard one that is) Something along the lines...
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How would you rite the plural of an acronym? For example Learning Support Assistant - LSA LSAs or LSA's? ta x...

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