Know this isn't really the place to ask, but is there a simple way to work out percentages.
Example, have 347 things to do, have done 26. What % have I done ?
Probably r-e-a-l-l-y easy but my brains frazzled now with all this math ...
You have done 26 out of the 347 things you have to do, so divide 26 by 347. Then multiply the answer by 100 to get the percentage of things you have done.
Thanks Tony, but I have to do the sum quite a few times each day to check my progress (have to make sure I reach % targets), and estimating was to-o-o-o long winded.
Just set up a spreadsheet with the calculation set up and then enter the figures at the appropriate time. That way you also have a running record. You could even set up an automatic graph on the spreadsheet.
when I work out our take to target at work on the calculator i put the take, say 28000 and then divide it by the target , say 320000 and then press the % key, if the figure is under 100, that's how much of the target we did, if it is over 100, that's how much over the target we did, been working it out that way for 20 years and it's always accurate.
It's easy in excel.
If you put 347 in col A and 26 in col B, then click on col C and input =B1/A1*100 this will give you your percentage. As you go along just always put your number of tasks in A and completeds in B then you just need to drag the formula down in C.