mammogram in The AnswerBank: Health & Fitness
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Connemmara | 09:57 Fri 29th Jul 2011 | Health & Fitness
19 Answers
Went for my mammogram about 2 weeks ago maybe one - cant remember - anyway they have asked me to go back for more screening and get different tests done, take blood tests, and maybe a biopsy - something inside in me is panicking a bit. Do I have the big C
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Don't know.

Probably not.
Connemmara, many of us on here have been recalled - myself included. There can be many reasons (mine were that they found micro calcifications) all this need to be followed up, if heaven forbid it is cancer then the soonest treated the better, but it is quite likely to be other less problematic issues. Do keep us informed and hope all turns out ok.
Lots of people are recalled for lots of reasons, by no means all of them sinister.
The important thing is to go and find out what, if anything needs to be done.
Try not to worry too much (impossible, I know) and all the very best to you.
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thanks for your answers - will let you the outcome - bye
as ^^^^ con, lots of recalls, understand your anxiety, keep us informed.
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just making an enquiry here - if a biopsy is necessary - is it sore? anybody through one. Panicking a little bit - sorry!!!
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fao anneasquith - you missed a bit in your post - what were you saying. have you been for a recall - sounds like your sentence was saying you were recalled lots of times - why so many if what I am saying is right.
conee...never had one....obviously, but they are uncomfortable rather than painful (needle biopsy that is)
"uncomfortable" is medical speak for "this will hurt, but luckily, it's not my pain, it's yours"
Not necessarily, no. In fact, in all likelihood, no. They always err on the side of caution which is a good thing. It's natural to panic - I had my first mammogram earlier this year & all was fine. But my daughter, 25 at the time, was recalled last year - she had a lump that had to be investigated & biopsied. And she has a strong family history of Breast Ca. But she was absolutely fine - an enlarged lymph node because of her allergies & immune problem.

Hope you get good news xxx
I had a biopsy just last week, and it was fine.. not fun, but not too bad.

I also had one last year (lucky me) and I have to say, it was quite uncomfortable. but better safe than sorry.

best of luck.
I had a mammogram 20 yrs ago? they found a shadow on my boob!
went into hospital for biopsy, and results were a shadow behind my nipple that turned out to be nothing at all. But i would recommend a local anaesthic for biopsy, they didnt give me one, and I I didnt find it too pleasant . will ask for local if I'm ever called back again. dont worry connemmara, it most likely will be nothing to worry about
I had my first mammogram 15 years ago - was recalled, had needle biopsy, then had to have further surgery to remove and test dodgy cells. Turned out to be ductal carcinoma in situ - luckily caught before it became invasive. 5 years of tamoxifen, 1 further scare which turned out (after surgery) to be nothing, and I am perfectly OK and consider myself lucky to have been caught early.
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all answers so different and complicated. just willgo to through this on tuesday
Best of luck to you Connemmara x
Good luck with everything. x
I went to the boob clinic about 15 years ago..............biopsy, mammogram and ultrasound. Given the all clear and out in under 2 hours. The biopsy honestly did not hurt (it hurt more having my tattoo done)
I've had two needle biopsies done and even in the first one when the breast surgeon was quite "robust" in her biopsying it was more just a little uncomfortable than painful though it was very quick. The second one was done by the radiographer during an ultrasound scan and I hardly felt that one in comparison (she could see where she was going better though to be fair). Both my incidences were just harmless fibrous adenomas.

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