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Doctor doctor...

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carrust | 21:15 Thu 05th Jan 2012 | Jokes
8 Answers
I think I'm turning into an airport.

He said. "I think it's terminal."


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doctor doctor people keep ignoring me

Doctor, Doctor Can I have second opinion?
Of course, come back tomorrow!
Doctor, doctor.....

I keep thinking I am a dog.

Take a seat then.

I can not do that. I am not allowed on the furniture.
Doctor doctor I think I'm a pair of curtains
For goodness sake pull yourself together .
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Doctor doctor I think I'm a yo yo.

Well, sit down, sit down, sit down....
-- answer removed --
dioctor doctor my skin's turning yellow.

Don't worry, it's just a gilt complex.
Doctor Doctor, I keep thinking I am a snooker ball, please go to the end of the cue.

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Doctor doctor...

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