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albaqwerty | 05:56 Fri 06th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
Hope Friday will be kind to you.

Was absolutely disgusted to read what had happened to Welshy's car.

It's been a quick week, or is that a sign I/m gettinig older? :D


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Morning Alba. As you say, a quick week.
Sorry, forgot to ask, what happened to welshy's car? I haven't been on the site for a while.
Morning, that was an awful thing for welshy, hope they get whoever did it.
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Morning Jan xxx Hope all is well with you.
It was vandalised to the tune of about 4 grands worth. Other cars parked near his weren't touched. As a company car he is liable for the excess of 500 quid. Not good.
Morning alba. xxx Jan xxx and em. xxx I take it someone attacked Welshies car?
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Morning Em, so sorry to read you are still suffering. Hope you get a chance to chat with your ENT consultant later this morning x
Certainly hope the person(s) responsible is/are caught. Were there any CCTV cameras in the area do you know?
why would someone pick on his car only? has someone got a grudge perhaps
Morning em and wbm xx
thank you, i am sure i have an appointment with them, but can't find the letter as last appointment was over 6 months ago, so will have to root around and see what i did with it. Clear thinking lately has gone to pot
Who knows what's in the minds (if they have one) of these idiots. If someone did it to them they would be shouting about it!
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Morning my dear Boaty xxx

There are some very sick people out there. Mr Alba's van was stolen and burnt out about 15 years ago. He was self-employed at that time and had filled the van with petrol and a huge assortment of tools as he was starting a new contract the following day. The idiots were caught eventually, they coughed up to 7 crimes.
It's sad really isn't it. I don't think they realise the impact they have on the lives of the people who's property they attack.
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That's the thing, they can't think. If their brain cell was dynamite, they couldn't blow out a candle.
I reckon if they are caught, they should be put in a room with the victim.
Or the victims representative. Someone like a rugby forward!
so do i. A relatives car was trashed to the point of no return, seems so pointless
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ooooh lol, I like that idea. A rugby forward!! Or even a heavy-weight boxer!!

Even when found guilty the punishment does not fit the crime.

Em, you're right. It is pointless.
The night after my Vera lost her fight, someone came into my garden and stole the wheel trims from my car. nice eh!
bring back the stocks for these miscreants, and let the victim pelt them with rotten eggs, fruit, a bit of humiliation might do them some good,
That's a sound idea em. But the PC brigade would throw up their arms in horror shouting 'What about the little darlings' human rights?' What about the victim's human rights?

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