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Don't Take It Seriously

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marval | 20:25 Wed 29th Aug 2012 | Jokes
2 Answers
Don't Take It Seriously

When the doctor says, take off your clothes.

When the dentist says, Open wide.

When the hairdresser says, do you want it teased or blown?

When the milkman says, do you want it in the front or the back?

When the kitchen fitter says, once it's in, you'll love it.

When the share broker says, it will rise right up, fluctuate for a while and then slowly fall back again.

When the banker says, if you take it out too soon, you'll lose interest.

When the hunter says, Goes deep in the bush, shoots twice and always eats what he shoots.

When the telephone engineer says, would you like it on the table or against the wall?


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Tee-hee, lol.

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