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I entered a blindfolded masturbating contest at the weekend

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Duncer | 20:17 Mon 03rd Sep 2012 | Jokes
31 Answers
.............................I've no idea where I came.


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Sibton. Mine's bigger than DT's....
On it DT
Prove it carrust
Was that to help the blind cobblers thumb?
with a butt like that on your avatar, carrust, I am not surprised.

"Never mind the length feel the girth".
I go as a petrol pump to fancy dress parties...
not that impressive, carrust

I ate oxen's in Beijing (and very good it was too, served with a mushroom sauce, I do not jest); my ex said that it was one of those dishes that grows on you.....
somehow, I don't think that this thread will survive unless the guards are down before Ed's Renaissance
I won by a head
There was a meeting for guys with premature ejaculation problems.

The dress code was Come In Your Pants
-- answer removed --

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I entered a blindfolded masturbating contest at the weekend

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