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I entered a blindfolded masturbating contest at the weekend

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Duncer | 20:17 Mon 03rd Sep 2012 | Jokes
31 Answers
.............................I've no idea where I came.


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I just read this and felt poorly - I can't think what came over me ....
ome duncer, that deserves best answer
Come again with that
was there stiff competition?
I am sorry but I could see that one coming!
careful folks.

the next response may result in the poster being 'pulled off' (lol)
Typical Irish weekend pastime eh Duncer?
damn missed out the c
really, it's a load of balls, this one
sir.prize tut tut
I'm wetting myself.
what am I doing on a boys' only post?
wetting yourself?
I'm typing this left handed. It feels like somebody else is doing it...
duncer, have you finished?
Get off mine, carrust.
Or, if that is you, sibton, carry on please.

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I entered a blindfolded masturbating contest at the weekend

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