I was in digs with all these paddys. The landlady made stew every night, no meat just an Oxo cube crumbled in. "Oooh" she'd say"all yer meat boiled away"
Paddys grumble, grumble say to 15yr old Svejk "hey,svejk, you're a great lad wit the auld words. You's say something"
So I says "Doreen"cos that was her name "how much does it cost to stay here, I've forgot". Her " £1 a night, my lover" Me "how much without food" her "Same my lover, £1 a night" me "Is that cos it cost feck all to feed us"
Well to cut a long story short, she turfed me out & them bloody paddys helped her.
So if you think I'm sticking my neck on the line, think again.