Sceptre, I think she should stay where she is and not commit to a man who perhaps is uncertain of his sexuality. Is he gently letting her down? perhaps. Or is he just having cold feet about getting serious with someone? If this was the case then why move in with his male freind (gay or otherwise?) . To me the message he's giving is tht he's not ready for her to move in with him and maybe never will be. He could be Gay, I know 2 men who 'came out' one after 10 years of marriage and the father of 2 children, the other age 45 with 20 years of marriage and three children. I would advise her to sit down with him and have 'the conversation' this needs to be brought out into the open and her boyfriend may actually feel a sense of relief if she knows and can accept that he is Gay or Bi-Sexual.