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Want To Get Rid Of Snails? Do You Throw Them Into Next Door's Garden?

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ladybirder | 11:00 Fri 16th May 2014 | Home & Garden
39 Answers
If you are, you should stop it because most will come back again. Take them a walk down the road for at least 20 metres and then dump them, that should do it according to this study.


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I like to put them on the bird table and let nature take it's course.
13:10 Fri 16th May 2014
Some say they're nice in garlic butter, but I've not tried that myself.
Take them a walk down the road for at least 20 metres ... and just how long will that take?
Yes, I do. I usually try to chuck them further but next door`s garden seems to be the extent of my throwing range. I saw a feature where a woman painted a dab of nail varnish on her garden snails` backs to see if they came back again and they did.
''Do You Throw Them Into Next Door's Garden?''

Yes. And they probably throw them back and so it goes on...
Mr Cake chucks them over the back fence into woodland, a smug grin spreads across his face when he hears the snail hit a tree trunk!
They are beautiful with garlic butter. Homing snails, what next?
I can throw them further than 20 metres.
Years ago when I lived at the back of a school, I used to throw them in the playground, but they always came back, perhaps I didnt throw them hard enough, but after a long day at work it was very satisfying.
Ruth Brooks has written a lovely book...A Slow Passion...about snails and their behaviour.

I don't see how throwing them over a fence or taking them for a long walk will rid our gardens because if lots of us do it....won't we just be getting each others?...☺
if I took them 20 metres they'd get home before me.
I hate them but isn't it a little bit cruel to throw them?

btw...I'm not a gardener....
Yes, it is really ummmm. I do think of that but do it anyway unfortunately.
Where we are it is called ' teaching them to fly' . And obviously the higher the launch the better they go...over the field.
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We put them in a jam jar - when it's full, it goes in the dustbin. Not very kind to the snails, but I don't want 'em.
Ozzy. I like spiders :-)
So do I, ummm, I'd never kill a spider.
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