Thank you for the precise review of my obvious lack of knowledge in that the Houss of PArliament simply consist of the 650 sitting MPs as of the 2010 General Election
If you were to actually look up the true facts there are far more than 660 people work at the Houses of Parliament. People like shall we say The Lords, or simply Working for the House of Commons. I am unsure if this the police officers on duty are counted but a website quotes 1550 staff!
[Quote from
'The House of Commons has a wide range of graduate positions (eg, clerkships and specialists); administrative and executive roles (eg, clerical officers and Hansard Reporters) and key support staff (eg, attendants and refreshments staff).']
So moron, before you go around calling people idiots , check you facts or might might find the term may be applied to you instead.
And as stated a while after you this 'is just a Joke'. So get a life.