News2 mins ago
Oh Dear
Dearie Dearie Me, another one trying to keep her nose in the trough.
Fiona Woolf,resigned after being backed to the hilt and thoughly recommended ,
by Cameron and his Party -----well done Mr Vaz.
Fiona Woolf,resigned after being backed to the hilt and thoughly recommended ,
by Cameron and his Party -----well done Mr Vaz.
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.I predicted ladt week that she would resign.
http:// www.the answerb uk/News /Questi on13739 98.html
She was a personal friend of Leon Brittan, once of the chief protagonists under investigation, so her appointment was a farce.
You have to wonder if all these unsuitable appointments are a deliberate delaying technique.
She was a personal friend of Leon Brittan, once of the chief protagonists under investigation, so her appointment was a farce.
You have to wonder if all these unsuitable appointments are a deliberate delaying technique.
An aspect of this fiasco is that Mrs May has yet to meet any of the victims of child abuse, so is it any wonder that mistakes appointing a Chair for this Enquiry have been made ? After 4 months, we are still no further forward.
I think that in general, Mrs May has made a pretty good stab at being Home Secretary, and I am not a natural Tory supporter by any means !
But she has made a complete dogs breakfast of this affair and it will be interesting to see what she has to say to the House on Monday. If dave really wants to show that he is capable of continuing to be PM, he should tell Mrs May to pull her finger out asap. Perhaps he ought to oversee the setting up of this Enquiry himself, instead of leaving it to others.
I think that in general, Mrs May has made a pretty good stab at being Home Secretary, and I am not a natural Tory supporter by any means !
But she has made a complete dogs breakfast of this affair and it will be interesting to see what she has to say to the House on Monday. If dave really wants to show that he is capable of continuing to be PM, he should tell Mrs May to pull her finger out asap. Perhaps he ought to oversee the setting up of this Enquiry himself, instead of leaving it to others.
I noticed that a suggestion I made on AB recently re the chairman for this inquiry was actually presented on Sky News this morning. (No, I'm not suggesting these two facts are related!)
The idea was that the government might perhaps look towards Scotland or Northern Ireland for this person. Scotland certainly has a totally separate legal system, so it should be possible to find a senior or retired judge/advocate who - unlike the two Ladies who've withdrawn - really isn't also part of the London dinner-party and political set!
The idea was that the government might perhaps look towards Scotland or Northern Ireland for this person. Scotland certainly has a totally separate legal system, so it should be possible to find a senior or retired judge/advocate who - unlike the two Ladies who've withdrawn - really isn't also part of the London dinner-party and political set!
QM...maybe you are right on this point after all ! I still think that anybody of any sufficient stature will automatically be part of the Establishment, it could be that if we get as far from Westminster as we can, we might find someone suitable. But the Bishop of Liverpool managed very well with Hillsborough, and it was on his doorstep.
But I think there is a deeper problem here. There are dark forces at work behind all this muckraking about Butler-Schloss and Woolfe. The "Establishment" doesn't really want this Enquiry to go ahead at all, as too many high-ranking figures will have to give evidence and maybe incriminate themselves. I have posted this link before but perhaps its time I did it again ::
http:// ukpaedo s-expos westmin ster-sc andal-1 14-secr et-file s-on-pa edophil e-cases -missin g/more- than-10 -politi cians-o n-list- held-by -police -invest igating -westmi nster-p aedophi le-ring /the-ci vil-ser vant-in -the-ho me-offi ces-pie -fundin g-inqui ry-and- his-aca demic-a rticles -on-boy -love/c ouncill orspoli tical-p arty-af filiate d/elm-g uest-ho use-chi ld-sexu al-abus e/
Better bookmark it quick as it may not stay up for very long !
But I think there is a deeper problem here. There are dark forces at work behind all this muckraking about Butler-Schloss and Woolfe. The "Establishment" doesn't really want this Enquiry to go ahead at all, as too many high-ranking figures will have to give evidence and maybe incriminate themselves. I have posted this link before but perhaps its time I did it again ::
Better bookmark it quick as it may not stay up for very long !
In conversation with friends the other day, I suggested that Michael Mansfield QC might be the right candidate for the job. I don't think anyone could accuse him of being part of the 'establishment'.
It looks like he's throwing his hat into the ring.
Whilst he's presently involved with the Hillsborough Inquiry, I'm sure he could instruct/oversee an investigative team who do the information gathering, pulling together all of the facts and figures further down the line.
It looks like he's throwing his hat into the ring.
Whilst he's presently involved with the Hillsborough Inquiry, I'm sure he could instruct/oversee an investigative team who do the information gathering, pulling together all of the facts and figures further down the line.
I have a great deal of respect for Dame Helena, but think she may suffer from a 'perception' of being closer to the 'establishment' than Mansfield.
He has been a constant thorn in the side of the complacent British judicial system. Personally, I find him an abrasive and unsympathetic character but perhaps those are just the qualities required for this task?
He has been a constant thorn in the side of the complacent British judicial system. Personally, I find him an abrasive and unsympathetic character but perhaps those are just the qualities required for this task?
Yeah if the Prime minister is 100 % behind someone it means he has a stiletto in his right hand
I feel sorry ( sorry repost ) for the people who cant take their eyes off the glittering prizes and see themselves as others see them
For Fiona thingey - a place in the house of Lords and places on other white wash committees at short notice so long as she did a good job on this.
Now look for example at the lawrence inquiry/ inquiries
Doreen played the game and is now in the house of Lords
and the unruly Dwayne to whom Mrs L said: "as soon as I heard Stephen was injured I knew you would be involved" - Dwayne has cleaned up his act at long last and is a Lib councillor
I feel sorry ( sorry repost ) for the people who cant take their eyes off the glittering prizes and see themselves as others see them
For Fiona thingey - a place in the house of Lords and places on other white wash committees at short notice so long as she did a good job on this.
Now look for example at the lawrence inquiry/ inquiries
Doreen played the game and is now in the house of Lords
and the unruly Dwayne to whom Mrs L said: "as soon as I heard Stephen was injured I knew you would be involved" - Dwayne has cleaned up his act at long last and is a Lib councillor