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A Huge Man.....

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Ichor | 12:15 Sat 28th Feb 2015 | Jokes
3 Answers
..over seven feet, but with a head the size of an orange, walks up to the bar in a pub and asks the barman for a pint of beer.

He looks so odd that the barman can't resist asking him,

"You're a huge man, tell me why do you have such a small head?".

The bloke replies,

"Well I was walking on the beach one day and I saw an old-fashioned lamp. I picked it up, rubbed it and a beautiful girl-genie appeared. She said you have one wish. So I said 'Will you have sex with me?'

The genie said, 'Sorry, but genies can't do that'.

So then I said "how about a little head?'"


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I find that hard to swallow!
You jest, of course!

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A Huge Man.....

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