Crosswords3 mins ago
Has Cameron 'betrayed The Country'?
Edited from the Dault Telegraph:
// David Cameron has been heckled by a long-serving Tory member angered at the Government's failure to curb migration at the launch of the party's election launch.
In a rare breach of the slick presentation that characterises Conservative events, Mr Cameron was heckled by a party member of 35 years who was angered by the scant mention of Europe and immigration in the speech.
Mike Howson, 59, from Staffordshire Morelands, shouted that Mr Cameron had “betrayed the country” by failing to cut immigration.
It comes just days after Mr Cameron was booed, heckled and jeered by pensioners over the NHS at an Age UK rally. //
http:// egraph. ews/pol itics/d avid-ca meron/1 1501505 /David- Cameron -heckle d-by-lo ng-serv ing-Tor y-over- failure -to-cur b-migra ml
Is this ling time Cinservative member right?
// David Cameron has been heckled by a long-serving Tory member angered at the Government's failure to curb migration at the launch of the party's election launch.
In a rare breach of the slick presentation that characterises Conservative events, Mr Cameron was heckled by a party member of 35 years who was angered by the scant mention of Europe and immigration in the speech.
Mike Howson, 59, from Staffordshire Morelands, shouted that Mr Cameron had “betrayed the country” by failing to cut immigration.
It comes just days after Mr Cameron was booed, heckled and jeered by pensioners over the NHS at an Age UK rally. //
Is this ling time Cinservative member right?
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Not half as much as Labour did!
-- answer removed --
Unfortunately that’s not the case, naval.
In 2014 543,000 non-British people arrived to settle in the UK. Of these, 251k were from other EU nations but 292k were from outside the EU. That’s over half a million people of which 54% had no automatic right to settle here.
With public services and housing under such pressure as they currently are to allow such huge numbers of people to arrive here is a betrayal of those already here. To suggest that Mr Howson is “just another heckler who ought to defect to UKIP” is insolent and par for the course when anybody raises legitimate concerns that the nation is being expected to accommodate ever increasing and unlimited numbers of people.
In 2014 543,000 non-British people arrived to settle in the UK. Of these, 251k were from other EU nations but 292k were from outside the EU. That’s over half a million people of which 54% had no automatic right to settle here.
With public services and housing under such pressure as they currently are to allow such huge numbers of people to arrive here is a betrayal of those already here. To suggest that Mr Howson is “just another heckler who ought to defect to UKIP” is insolent and par for the course when anybody raises legitimate concerns that the nation is being expected to accommodate ever increasing and unlimited numbers of people.
Mikey not all immigrants are here for the cheap labour, they are here for the housing the benefits and free hospital care.....and the need for the Asian to get into parliament and achieve standing for themselves and their communities here. They will lie and cheat to achieve this. I have to say Cameron has failed dismally on this matter. It is an immediate problem which needs a thorough investigation and new legislation.
I don't agree that he has betrayed the country in that respect: just another heckler who ought to defect to UKIP. The Tories would be better off without them
Well he did vote UKIP at the last election, ichkeria.
Mike Howson, 59, from Staffordshire Morelands, shouted that Mr Cameron had “betrayed the country” by failing to cut immigration. He voted Ukip at the last election.
Well he did vote UKIP at the last election, ichkeria.
Mike Howson, 59, from Staffordshire Morelands, shouted that Mr Cameron had “betrayed the country” by failing to cut immigration. He voted Ukip at the last election.
askyourgran...drivel. British commerce would suffer if all immigrants were sent home and the NHS would collapse overnight.
You make a point about some immigrants coming over here to "they are here for the housing benefits and free hospital care"...what about own, home-grown citizens that are doing that, some of them for 2-3 generations ?
And you ludicrous comments about Asians borders on naked racism.
You make a point about some immigrants coming over here to "they are here for the housing benefits and free hospital care"...what about own, home-grown citizens that are doing that, some of them for 2-3 generations ?
And you ludicrous comments about Asians borders on naked racism.
This one did, mikey.
http:// www.exp ressand m/news/ 2015/03 /24/rac e-on-to -replac e-tory- after-e dl-row/
Tonyav.....Mr Amin tried to gain an advantage in the forthcoming Election by nefarious means, in exactly the same way as others have done in the past, and will almost certainly do in the future. His ethnic origin is nether here nor there.
According to his Wiki entry, he grew up in the Black Country and went to schools in Smethwick and Oldbury, before going to Sandwell College. Amin is a Muslim. His grandparents migrated to Britain from Pakistan. He studied Arabic and studied in Mauritania.
He has been married to his wife Michelle for twenty years and they have two teenage children together.
There is no evidence whatsoever, that he falls into the category mentioned in askyourgrans post. As a British citizen, he is entitled to join the Tory Party and get elected as their prospective Parliamentary candidate. His mistake was trying to gain an unfair advantage, not being an Asian and/or a Muslim
According to his Wiki entry, he grew up in the Black Country and went to schools in Smethwick and Oldbury, before going to Sandwell College. Amin is a Muslim. His grandparents migrated to Britain from Pakistan. He studied Arabic and studied in Mauritania.
He has been married to his wife Michelle for twenty years and they have two teenage children together.
There is no evidence whatsoever, that he falls into the category mentioned in askyourgrans post. As a British citizen, he is entitled to join the Tory Party and get elected as their prospective Parliamentary candidate. His mistake was trying to gain an unfair advantage, not being an Asian and/or a Muslim
He's also a liar, mikey.
http:// www.exp ressand m/news/ 2015/03 /24/dud ley-pol ice-chi ef-no-k nowledg e-of-af zal-ami ns-plan s/
The majority of the long term unemployed are 50+. They are unemployable before their time because employers can pay a youth £2.70 an hour to do their job and a 17 year old is stronger and fitter than they are. Most have been employed for 30 years (and paid their taxes) but are now prematurely on the scrap heap. Talk of feckless lazy dole budgers is way off the mark.
The sensible argument in the debate is not suggesting all immigrants are sent "home" Mikey. Nor was Mr Howson suggesting that. What he is suggesting is that it is irresponsible to allow upwards of half a million people in a single year to arrive to settle here when the country is desperately short of housing for them and its health and education services are straining at the seams.
Rubbish. Nothing would collapse, we might regain some dignity in the NHS, staff who speak English for a start, fewer waiting lists for beds, and GP appointments. Our schools, housing stock and council services are stretched by the increases. Dare I mention the immigrant births that will see our population soar in the next few years. Our home-grown citizens are at least our own of which we could have been able to assist without being sidelined by the increased expenditure of kow towing to the immigrants needs. In the past few weeks I have read enough about Asian men grooming children, and those who are trying to gain a foothold into Politics, who have lied and cheated to further themselves, but fortunately discovered. There are many more in the background who would bite the hand that feeds them. All we've heard it is the old chestnut from the apologists that it's their culture and religion. The apology by the Chief of Police for not stopping the jihadi bride was a total mistake, who is the girls' father? none but a fanatic himself. Don't ever think I am completely racist mikey, I have seen this country fall into ruin in the last 15/20 years. I am English born and bred and I hate to see what it happening to this country now. We have been sold down the river by Blair who opened this can of worms.
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