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maggiebee | 20:29 Fri 09th Oct 2015 | Jokes
36 Answers
If you can think of a better fish pun - let minnow.


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For cods hake. Play Salmon Dave, or Pike and Tuna Turner later for mama av.
21:02 Fri 09th Oct 2015
Cod you believe it, a fish joke. I would sit tight on your perch, some people might say you have no sole for posting that.
These are pretty carp....
I just asked my brother and he said eel let me know.
Ide bought some yesterday, but it was orfe
Tuna in later for the final plaicings
thought I smelt something ....
You're a dab hand Scorpio...
If the weather gets any colder I will be able to skate.
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Come on folks, you're all floundering!
You are a right ray of sunshine maggiebee.
I'll have to mullet over awhile
Did you post this on porpoise, maggie.
I've been herring cold weather is on the way.
Rudd-y snow already
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No squidding, we should dolphinitely scale back on the fish puns
October..... Fur Hakes sake jo behave yerself ;o)
Thats a gudgeon, marval.
Hoki dokey, Sam ;o)
Time for the hoki cokey I think.
For cods hake. Play Salmon Dave, or Pike and Tuna Turner later for mama av.

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