Heavenly Mistake. in The AnswerBank: Jokes
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Heavenly Mistake.

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Patsy33 | 13:09 Wed 02nd Nov 2016 | Jokes
5 Answers
A man is sitting in heaven happily carving a wooden puppet.

Jesus walks by and asks him why he toils so as in heaven everything is provided.

The wood carver tells Jesus that in his life on earth he was an honest hard working carpenter and that he had lost his son.

Jesus suddenly drops to his knees and looks deeply into the man's eyes, "Father?"

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You wood have thought someone could've pulled a few strings....
There are no strings on Pinnochio !
Question Author
Walt Disney one did! Haha
There was a woodworker who lost his eyesight in one eye, and he didn’t have much money so he carved himself a replacement eye. But he was very self conscious and never went out.

All of his friends said that he needed to get out and meet people. So he goes to a neighbourhood bar because it didn’t have bright light inside. As he sits there a lady walked in and she had a deformity with her lips. She sits down beside him. They start to make small talk. But he was nervous, and she was nervous each of them about their deforminities.

But finally he get up enough nerve and asks her if she’d like to go out and get a bite to eat.

She replies, “Would I! Would I!”

He yells back at her, “Hair Lip, Hair Lip!”
Question Author
That one still makes me laugh!.....

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