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Berniecuddles2 | 07:57 Tue 22nd Aug 2017 | Jokes
53 Answers
Woman: Does Viagra work?

Pharmacist: Yes

Woman: Can you get it over the counter?

Pharmacist: Yes if I take two


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I'm so depressed ... I went to the doctor today and he refused to write me a prescription for Viagra. Said it would be like putting a new flagpole on a condemned building.
11:13 Tue 22nd Aug 2017

there are times that I do wonder about you y'know :-D
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you wonder away xx lol
My favourite Viagra is :::::

I hear that you have to swallow Viagra very quickly, otherwise you run the risk of getting a stiff neck !
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I have a sneaky feeling this could be a long running gag :-D
Bernie, you are a great comedian. You should do stand up.
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I got badly sun burnt on holiday saw the doctor he prescribed viagra I said will it take the pain away..he said no but it'll keep the sheets off your legs in bed!
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Latest By-product, Viagra Eye-drops,
They make you look Real hard.
A parrot swallows a Viagra tablet.
His owner, disgusted, puts him in the freezer to cool off.
Later when he opens the freezer, he finds the parrot sweating.
"How come you are sweating?" he asks.
The parrot replies, "Do you know how hard it is to open the legs of a frozen chicken?"
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Bloke in hospital with 60% burns, Dr. says, "Give him two Viagra."
Nurse asks, "Do you think that will help?"
Dr replies, "No but it will keep the sheets off his legs!"
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Sorry bernie missed your burns joke.

Q. What do Disney World & Viagra have in common?
A. They both make you wait an hour for a two minute ride.
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There's a new beverage on the's called Viagraccino
One cup and you're up all night.
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lol some good ones there keep em coming lol

Q: Did you hear what happens to men who take iron supplements and then use Viagra?

A: When they get an erection, they point north.

Scientists have developed a new pill that will now help impotent men
who are also hay fever sufferers. By combining Allegra to take care of
the allergies, and Viagra for the impotency, it gives you an erection
not to be sneezed at!

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