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A Skunk!

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Voltage | 06:43 Tue 31st Oct 2017 | Jokes
6 Answers
A couple driving home hit and wounded a skunk on the road. The wife gets out and brings it back to the car. "We need to take it to a vet. Its shivering, it must be cold, what should I do?" she asks. Husband replies "Put it between your legs to keep it warm." "But it stinks!" she exclaims. "So hold its nose!"


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It’s usually a beaver that is kept there.........
09:02 Tue 31st Oct 2017
hmmmm..I smell a rat !
-- answer removed --
He odour an apology!... That's rotten!.....
I smell a Bernie a-lurking.....
It’s usually a beaver that is kept there.........
First person ""I had a dog with no nose".

Second person: "How did it smell ?.

First person. "Flipping awful"

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A Skunk!

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