BB; i also had a drink problem a good few years back. It began with me feeling sorry for myself after the collapse of a long standing relationship but spiralled way out of control. I lost my job, found myself on benefits and spending nearly all of my money on the cheapest cider i could buy. I have woken up in many strange places, not knowing how i got there, groin area of my pants absolutely soaking, dry vomit on my face and clothes. Friends and family avoided me like the plague. Then, one day i woke up! I sought help and, slowly but surely, i turned a corner. Looking back, do i blame the off licences that sold me such cheap ale? Of course not. I blamed myself for being so weak willed. I sympathise with those who do have addictive natures, believe me i do, but they are in the vast minority. When you enter a pub, you may see the odd alcoholic - you will not see a pub full. Same as when you enter a bookies. These people need all the help they can get and if that comes from a charity sponsored by the bookies, then so be it.