I know the answer to one of them! A snowplough driver lives in our village! He is alerted early so he can get to work. L.As. get warnings and updates. I remember once in Calderdale that the forecast was wrong and the result was devastating. Drivers couldn't get out and I believe one man died.
Why do women take their jumpers off by crossing their arms and pulling the jumper off over their head, but men take their jumpers of by just tugging at their jumpers on their back?Nobody has ever taught them thats how they should do it?
Why is it not allowed for anyone to pick up books in a book shop to look at them unless they are going to buy them, but you can go in any supermarket and pick up books, look at them, then put them back on the shelf again, as much as you like during this pandemic and not feel any pressure to buy the book??
you must have hardline bookshops, Georgiesmum, most owners are desperate for someone to look at their books inside and out. (As long as they don't just get out their phones and order them from Amazon.)