Mother Superior in The AnswerBank: Jokes
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Mother Superior

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exarmy448 | 14:04 Mon 14th Dec 2020 | Jokes
9 Answers
Mother Superior was asked by the Head of the local girls school to give a talk to the senior girls about the perils of life.

She told the girls that they should never smoke as smoking can lead to an addiction that could lead to them to try harder drugs.

She then said they should never partake of alcohol as this could lead to them having a problem with drink in the future..

The next thing she told them was to refrain from any sexual activity as 10 minutes of pleasure could mean that they would lead a depraved life.

Finishing up she asked if there were any questions and a girl put her hand up and asked

'How do you make it last 10 minutes'?

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I want to know if Mother Superior knew... ;-)
I recall working in a girls' Convent School and the Sixth Form were given a sex ed talk, (stable door springs to mind) in which the Nun told them that sex within marriage was OK, 'As long as you don't enjoy it!.
A nun at our school advised us never to wear patent shoes as they would reflect our underwear!

^ Sorry about that space. Don't know how it happened!
Same here, Ellie. My feet only got to size two so the only thing reflected were my kneecaps.
Lol gness! Another used to staple pages of magazine together if they dared show someone in a mini skirt or bikini.
Not come across that one, Ellie. Colouring your hair was the sign of a floozy. A girl came to school one day with hair that had been dyed. She had her head scrubbed under the tap and then had to hang with her head inside a Flatley clothes airer til the hair was dry.
That's awful gness! Ours weren't that bad
Sex!! We don't want nun of that!

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