The vaccine, says Matt Hancock, yes Matt so far. But can we have just one more, getting the 30 million back from your pub mate, and put it back into the NHS. Now that would be something of a success, then we could all have something to crow about. :0)
Can you explain to a dummy like me how that makes sense. The pub mates company is now supplying certified vialls so am not sure why we should get the money back??
The hope is that the longer they delay ( any) inquiries, there's hope that it will all be forgotten and sweep't under the carpet. Carry on hoping Matt.
Name 3 to 5 other suppliers who could produce the numbers needed immediately....Hobbo's choice! I see we have the Euros by the short and curlies too as to the provision of one of the major components for both vaccines. Now that is good news.
You are absolutely right. Under a Labour government, there would have been none of this helping your mates out, unless of course, they were union leaders, fighting for the rights of the worker.