I get Xmas week off work but go in midweek...just for the morning... to collect from our supermarket collection points, to take the strain off the following new year week.
Had a guy come up to me (and my van mate) why we were collecting today...
"Foodbank are you?"
"Err yes, we are."
(A long wheel based van parked outside with Foodbank written on it in large letters, and our attire + badges all with Foodbank written on it might have been a clue)
And then rips in to a diatribe about how the unemployed are all scroungers and deserve to die of starvartion etc....
All are just lazy scum etc.
Had a feeling he wasnt full of the Xmas spirit
What is up with people nowadays?
Everyone seems so angry....
Nailit; it isn't everyone who is like that. Best to try and look on the bright side and appreciate those who are decent. There are good folks around, and they are the ones to focus on.