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How Old Were You...................

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Shaglene | 17:27 Sun 08th May 2022 | Jokes
9 Answers
How old were you when you realised that race car spelt backwards is race car?


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About nine when I learned what a palindrome was and it wasn't a camel - and, at the same time, I learned of Napoleon's quote, 'Able was I ere I saw Elba'.
I can't remember what year it was but I'm sure that it was never odd or even.
About 12 or was it 21
Rats live on no evil star.

LOL...about 12 years old.
A man a plan a canal panama.
When I saw it in the mirror
i realised when i was 70 and just reading it, lol
-- answer removed --
When your age matches the national speed limit, it's time to slow down.

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How Old Were You...................

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