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Dad Joke Of The Day

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Hopkirk | 06:03 Wed 10th Aug 2022 | Jokes
12 Answers
My wife asked me "is it just me or is the dog getting fat?"
Apparently "it's just you" isn't the right answer.


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Why plump for that answer?...
10:47 Wed 10th Aug 2022
followed by a swift right hook....
or the frying pan that cooks the sausages.....
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You just can't win a lot, can you?
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There is no right answer........Run!
oh you shouldn't fat shame your wife she has enough on her plate anyway x
Why plump for that answer?...
O be se rious, you lot.
//she has enough on her plate anyway //

That's the problem - portion control!
The most risky answer to "Does my bum look big in this" is not, as widely thought, "Yes".

A more dangerous response is,"Not as big as in the one you wore yesterday"
I have a male friend who, when asked anything of the nature, says immediately "is this a trap?".

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Dad Joke Of The Day

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