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Growing Lettuce, Rocket Etc

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RocW | 17:47 Mon 01st Jul 2024 | Home & Garden
3 Answers

I've decided to grow some salad leaves this year.  I've never done so before.  I thought of growing them in trays but I have no idea how deep the roots go down.  Has anyone any advice please?




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Luckily, lettuce does have shallow roots, so you can get away with a smaller container than the average vegetable. Ideally, you want something that is a 3-gallon or larger or a minimum depth of 10-12 inches. And if you love your lettuce, please please ensure your container has drainage holes

This is from Google.

This might help:

I've grown them in shallow trays in the conservatory in Winter - unfortunately I hadn't reckoned on my cat using them as litter trays.......      I've also used those tomato bags, you can get lots in them and sow successively.

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Growing Lettuce, Rocket Etc

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