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Plymouth Riots

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DTCwordfan | 18:26 Thu 08th Aug 2024 | Jokes
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A policeman in full riot gear and taking on the protestors in Plymouth's Guildhall Square suddenly throws his shield down and starts running and running as if he was in a blind panic.

Up the Parade, left onto Armada Way, onto Mayflower Street, back onto the other side of Armada and onto Cobourg Street.

A long arm of the law comes out and grabs him. "Where do you think you are going, sonny?"

"Sorry, Sarge - I've been on duty for five hours, no rest, drink or food, just all this battering and brick throwing from these yobbos. I need a short break from it."

"Sonny, I'm not a sergeant, I'm the Chief Constable..."

"Sorry Sir - I didn't realise that I'd run that far."





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