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And There's More

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Rondy | 11:14 Sun 11th Aug 2024 | Jokes
4 Answers

Children are such cry babies.
Where does it say that when you do magic tricks, the rabbit you pull out of the hat has to be alive?


My grandad only ever had one goal in his life...... which wasn't very good for a centre forward!


Item for sale in the local newspaper:

"Antique sewing table refinished by my wife, £30. [If she’s home, £100.]"


I used to get all my clothes online.
Then the neighbours started taking in their washing at night.


My missus has just told me she has broken her Satnav and wants £150 for a new one.
She can get lost.


If l had 50p for every time l've failed a maths test. l would have £11.30 now.


55 years ago the Apollo 11 mission landed on the moon.
May their names live on forever:
Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and that other bloke.


The forecast this weekend is for constant rane, hale, gails, drissle, thundre, litnin, hy tydes, tawnaydoes and frizzing colde. Also hurrycanes.
A really bad spell of wether.


I suppose if the Olympics ended Sunday at a French nude beach, there would be a clothing ceremony.




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Apollo 11 – without looking it up, I think his name was Michael Collins (no doubt someone will correct me) – but he never set foot on the moon and remained in the command-module circling the moon.

You are correct Hymie.

I'm sorry but I don't get the Sewing Machine one - what am I missing?

Good ones! 😁😆

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