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Wrestling Final

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gramps85 | 14:43 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | Jokes
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It was the Gold Medal Wrestling Match between the Irishman and American.

The Irish wrestlers corner man told his wrestler that the American had never lost a match and was famous for his Pretzel Hold.

The match started and it wasn't long before the Irishman was in the dreaded Pretzel hold, and the corner man knew what was coming and hid his face in his hands and waited for the inevitable.

Suddenly there was an almighty scream and the corner man opened his eyes in time to see the American go flying across the ring and landing with a thud on his back. The Irishman leapt on the American and held him down to win the match by pinning his opponent to the floor.

The corner man asked the Irishman what happened and he said 'I was in this dreaded hold when I suddenly saw these great big testicals staring at me, so I decided I would give grab them in my mouth and bite.  It's surprising how much strength you can gain by biting your own testicles.



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