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Like it or lump it he & his union overlords have the whip hand for the next 5 years. Watch this space...

Give him a chance

Is this going to be a typical right wing response. The guy's not been in office 14 weeks yet, let alone 14 years!

Where were you piggynose when Liz Truss was in number ten? I'm sure there were a couple of lettuce cartoons you could have found!

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09.43 don't blame me, I'm just the messenger! 

Mind you he has got his work cut out! 

oh dear, more bitterness from torn-apart-tories at their overwhelming rejection by the electorate. Will they ever get over it ?

At least the Remoaners had a possible point as the margin was so fine.

"oh dear, more bitterness from torn-apart-tories at their overwhelming rejection by the electorate. Will they ever get over it ?" - 20% of the electorate voted Labour 80% did not, even agent Cob goit more votes in 2019 when he got hammered by Boris. Hardly a ringing endorsement is it?

is this in 'jokes' for a reason?  😂😂😂

I reckon only lowlifes use that word - not a tiny bit amusing unless you're 13.

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