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Google Maps Full Screen

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Hopkirk | 22:44 Mon 02nd Sep 2024 | Technology
5 Answers

Until recently you could make Google maps go to full screen by swiping up on the search bar.

This no longer works.

Does anyone know how to get full screen?


Second question, why do Google keep changing things?



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Swiping up on the search bar still works for me on my Android phone.


>>> "why do Google keep changing things?"

Because they employ people to make 'improvements'.  If those people can't find anything to 'improve', they're out of a job.  So they keep on making more and more 'improvements' 😊

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Grrrr. It doesn't work on my Android phone.


Where do I complain?

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These 'improvements' are like the supermarkets changing the layout just when you think you know where everything is.

The supermarkets don't do it to improve, they do it to make you search for stuff and in doing so, buy  items you'd not have seen normally.

It doesn't work for me.

I'm on Android 14, 5 June 2024 update 

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Google Maps Full Screen

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