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ferlew | 20:52 Tue 03rd Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
10 Answers

I don,t know why this has just crept into my head, but since it has I have been wracking my brain to try and recall when it was, and what it was for.
Two brothers, and the younger one looks up to his elder brother and says "You're so clever Brian"
Can anyone put me out of my fug please?
Thank you.



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Busch's Baked Beans?

I wish I was as clever as you, Brian, I really, really do 

Cadbury chocolate fingers


As Barry says, it was Cadbury's Chocolate Fingers, as posted by the real-life brother of 'Brian', Simon Francis, here:

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Thank you, around what year would you suggest?

What;s a demonstration Barry?

Ferlew, 1969 maybe

Remember this other Fingers ad from the 60s?

They’re singular, they’re fingular,

They’re biscuits without any bends,

They’re long and little, they start at the middle

And come to a stop at the ends.

They’re long and thin

With a chocolate skin —

Like sticks in chocolate silk

But the most singular thing

In a finger is …

Cadbury’s Dairy Milk!

Dave, I'll show you a tin of Heinz Baked Beans 😬


I wish I could read, Brigh-un....

Brian has just read the script on the bottom of cadbury chocolate fingners as - "cadburys are good for you" - 

used as a short one  liner ( comedie de repetition)

I was the youngest ( who wished he cd read) and by the age of eight it  dawned on me that I was surrounded by some absolutebull-shotters.

and seventy years later, here am I on AB !

Late sixties

surprised it is a hazy memory for some - used as a catchphrase later - the elder reader crossed his  eyes and put on a face as he  "read" and used a funny voice ( even for a six year old)

is it common for a catchphrase to persist and the source be forgotten ?

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