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Bbc Cuts

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Hopkirk | 20:25 Wed 04th Sep 2024 | News
29 Answers

I see the BBC is having to make more cuts.

How about shutting down Radios 1, 2 and 3? There are so many commercial stations doing it as well or better.


I used to listen to Radio 2, but have virtually given it up now. Dreadful.

Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Radio 2 has the biggest listening figures of any radio station in the world.  So somebody must like it!

Radio 3 has a completely different approach to classical music than that taken by either Classic FM or Scala Radio, largely because (as the station isn't driven by a need to maximise advertising revenue) it can at times broadcast to minority audiences.

Similarly, Radio 3's jazz output doesn't have to fit within the same constraints that apply to what can be found on Jazz FM.

There are no commercial stations broadcasting anything remotely similar to Radio 3's roots-based programme, Music Planet.

Radio 1, while generally concentrating on tracks that have already entered the charts, 'breaks' far more new recordings than its main rival, Capital, and repeats tracks far less often too.

shut down R1 by all means, load of old pony. R2 is the most listened to station in the world so I think that should stay. R3 and 4 have a solid collowing. Besides radio stations are cheap as chips compared to TV.

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I find the suggestion that Radio 2 is the most listened to station unbelievable. They are haemorrhaging listeners.

how do you know?

drop in the ocean hoppy.

...that's like Elon Musk losing $1m

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Oh for the good old days.

Ken Bruce in the morning.

Steve Wright in the afternoon.

Johnnie Walker on drive time (replaced by Simon Mayo)


Now look at today's presenters. Oh dear.

"Radio 2 has the biggest listening figures of any radio station in the world."

More than the BBC World Service?

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OJ Borg is quite entertaining.

Pity he's on at midnight.

I used to listen to radio 2 on a daily basis with my favourites being the same as Hoppy's.  I now listen to Boom Radio and when even that gets a bit boring I ask Alexa to play what I want to hear. Radio Scotland is a must for me on Saturday lunchtime with Off the Ball being my favourite show.

They could save a fortune by having just one person, on a sensible salary to present sports coverage. e.g. football (if they must broadcast it at all): broadcast begins five mintes before k.o. with just enough time to go through the runners and riders; ends five minutes after final whistle with just a run down of where that leaves the teams in the league or whatever.

No pundits; no "analysis"; just the match.

The news: just one newsreader (again, on a sensible salary) sitting behind a desk reading the autocue. No multiple presenters, no fancy sets with robotic cameras, just the news.

They should stop trying to emulate commercial broadcasters. They are a public broadcaster funded by a tax on watching the television.



On the odd visit to a football commentary I note there has to be a woman involved in the chat.

They've all but taken over news as far as I can see too.

I'm not a fan of this trend.

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I drive supermarket lorries.

The depot I work out if plays a different station each day over the tannoy, voted for by the staff who work there. Radio 2 is not one of them.

I drive a different lorry each day, and can see what previous drivers have set the presets to. I hardly ever see Radio 2, just lots of different commercial stations.

Rajar figures may suggest it is popular but I really don't think it is now. 

>>> "Steve Wright in the afternoon."

Thank goodness he's gone!  (Of course I'm not welcoming his death, only the fact the Radio 2 listeners no longer have to put up with him).  If any radio presenter was ever 'totally up his own @rse, Steve Wright must surely have been at the very top of the list.  He was utterly appalling!


>>> "Johnnie Walker on drive time (replaced by Simon Mayo)".

Although I have fond memories of JW on Radio Caroline, and I still enjoy listening to him on Sounds of the 70s, his health problems would almost certainly prevent him from presenting a live daily programme nowadays:

Sarah Cox, on Radio 2, now pulls in more listeners than Simon Mayo does on GHR.

How do we know radio 2 is the most listened to in the world, who does the survey on this?

I find it a bit annoying that I have to pay a fee to the BBC that I don't use and you're telling me the rest of the world gets it for free?


Where does the claim about Radio 2 come from?

Zoe Ball, Sara Cox, Jo Whitley 

Zoe Ball, Sara Cox, Jo Whiley are all dreadful so don't listen to them but also don't like all the adverts on commercials radio.




Don't know what happened there!

I dropped Mrs N off at the dentist a few weeks ago, sat in the car waiting flipped through nearly every station on DAB, R1,R2, local BBCs, Pulse, GHR, 60s,70s,80s. Might be my age but I couldn't find one worth listening to. Bring back Luxembourg and the Pirates I say.

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