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How Much Do You Exaggerate?

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netherfield | 14:36 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
3 Answers

Yesterday around 5.30 pm we had a fire engine go passed, the another, 2 ambulance, a fire pick up, a blue car with blue light, a paramedic car, and so it went on. A local hotel which has been closed for three years was on fire. Now according to fire service log there were 12 fire vehicles attended 2 ambulance and a paramedic car. Too late for this morning's papers which were likely already printed when it happened. 

But it did make it to the local paper online site. Of the locals interviewed came quotes, " there were at least 25 fire engines I counted and more than a hundred firemen", another " half the ambulances in town were present in case there were squatters inside. " There won't be much left of the building by the time it's out" actually only two upper storey rooms were affected.

Talking to an ex fireman he said it's likely they had so many engines because the water supply around there isn't too good, and they might have needed to relay pump from a nearby river.




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A lot.

They can all log it as an official shout. Looks good statisicly.

I've not exagerated for a 1000 years.

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