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What A Shower!

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naomi24 | 15:25 Wed 11th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
5 Answers

On his way into a shop this morning my husband saw a pigeon lying on the ground with its wing twisted upwards.  Thinking the poor thing had been hit by a car he intended to pick it up when he came out of the shop.  On his return a few minutes later it had been joined by two more - now all three with their wings twisted upwards - enjoying a lovely shower in the rain!   



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I thought you were talking about the Labour party.

Was it "Shower" or "Lying" that made you think of the Labour Party?

Bless them, a communal shower lol!

I see the TATs are still smarting about their rejection. Such a pity to pollute naomi's charming little thread. 

Agree canary x

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What A Shower!

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