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Name This Bird Call

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barry1010 | 00:49 Wed 18th Sep 2024 | Animals & Nature
6 Answers

I'm in the Midlands not near a river so not a wader or shore bird. It's dark and still outside.

Three short calls, no pause.  Yup yup yup.  Repeated after 30 seconds, and again.

Not high pitched but not a deep boom. 

My bird identification app couldn't pick it up.

Any ideas?



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Not near any body of water large enough to attract cormorants, sadly. I know cormorants are on some canals but not on my local ones.

You don't say what your app is. Have you tried Merlin Bird ID ?


Fieldfare  maybe, some have already arrived

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It is Merlin that I use, I've found it reliable.

Definitely not a badger and sadly not a fieldfare, always delighted to see them return.

Thanks for the suggestions, always appreciated.


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