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Al Fayed Gate

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davebro3 | 07:38 Fri 20th Sep 2024 | News
29 Answers

It is inconceivable that the decision not to prosecute Al Fayed over the alleged rape of a 15 year old was not taken at the highest level. Was Starmer simply incompetent or was he bought/warned off?



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//Fayed's family did not provide a statement when asked for comment.//

Money walks away from their crimes😪

Have you got a link to the alleged rape of a15 year old?

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whatever - there were multiple allegations & police involvement in the noughties. He was just too rich/powerful/well-connected for the cowards in the CPS to do their duty.

Why is everyone feigning shock that a powerful muslim immigrant took advantage of underage British girls?

//He was just too rich/powerful/well-connected//

That's what happens when your son is bonking royalty

Filthy old sleazebag.

And all a bit late to be bringing it up now; he's long gone.

In fairness,  Fayed had form in buying off corrupt Tory politicians (Neil Hamilton/Jonathan Aitken & others) in the cash-for-questions debacle.  Whether he tried it on with Starmer is anyone's guess.

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He's long gone but those whose actions (or inaction) failed to see justice done still walk amongst us.

Very few rape/sexual assault reports get to court. Less than 2% result in conviction.  Incredibly difficult to prove, regardless of who is accused.

It's a sad situation 



The interview I heard said that the alleged victims didn't complain to the police because he was powerful and had access to expensive lawyers. They complained to HR who paid them off.


He was just too rich/powerful/well-connected for the cowards in the CPS to do their duty.

completely unjustified - but hey this  is AB on a Friday. We dont know the facts - if  any, beyond "he said she said".

But what does disturb me, is the gap - 2005 to now

and the response of Harrods - yes we have a dept for that ( paying people off) so someone must have known.....

not pony that but the new owners took on the liability of the previous owners inactivities which er clearly were NOT part of the business. Like I said - we dont know all the  facts.

DOI - part of a "she said he said" and I managed to show my accuser was lying. Phew ! Police had swallowed it whole ( pun intended) and were stunned. Hey but that's life!


 Incredibly difficult to prove, regardless of who is accused.It's a sad situation 

It sure is when you havent done it !  see above  - attitude if not life changing

If there were no complaints to the police then the police and CPS could do nothing.

There is a very long history of bosses sexually assaulting staff.  Women used to be told to put up with it.

Hopefully things are better now.

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//It said each of the allegations reported to the force had been "investigated and, where appropriate, advice from the Crown Prosecution Service was sought".

But Fayed was never charged with a crime.

The closest he came to being uncovered appears to have been in October 2008, when he was questioned over allegations made by a girl who he first met when she was 14.//

Does anyone remember the BBC presenter who took up the job of being the voice of Harrods?

I doubt he knew what he was getting into.

Why are all the victims suddenly coming out of the woodwork now?

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why not?

My thoughts exactly, Smurf. I would have thought that after Saville, victims of sexual abuse by powerful people would be more emboldened to contact the police while the abuser is stll alive.

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