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Al Fayed Gate

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davebro3 | 07:38 Fri 20th Sep 2024 | News
23 Answers

It is inconceivable that the decision not to prosecute Al Fayed over the alleged rape of a 15 year old was not taken at the highest level. Was Starmer simply incompetent or was he bought/warned off?



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Why are all the victims suddenly coming out of the woodwork now? - - - DB why not

my god, Davebro  is on fire today ! - phew it is hot on AB !

who was querying rape of a 15 y old ?

In 2009, prosecutors decided not to charge Al Fayed over a claim he sexually assaulted a 15-year-old girl in his store, saying there was "no realistic prospect of conviction"

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//people would be more emboldened to contact the police while the abuser is stll alive.//

They did but Al Fayed was "too sick to be interviewed"

//saying there was "no realistic prospect of conviction"//

Would they have said that if I had committed the alleged assault?

They did report it when alive, CPS didnt want to know.

I think Starmer,granny harmers problem is that he keeps saying he knew nothing about this (or Saville).  Well if that is the case then that in itself is a problem.  The buck stops at the top Sir 2TKS.

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