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its feel good friday!!

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loopyc | 10:34 Fri 26th May 2006 | Body & Soul
24 Answers
have you nade somebody smile today? stylinsam has so lets go with her example and make someone smile!


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i helped an old lady carry her shopping bags to her car this morning (i was at asda picking some cakes up for a guy who is leaving my work today) she had one of those plastic rain hats on. and looked like she was strugling, so i took her bags and put them in her car. she went to give me 50pence i just said "no its fine" she replied with a big smile thankyou love, and i also walked of with a big smile too.

hi evryone xxx


its bank holiday weekend and the ed's away to meet zeus in the holliday inn [expence account no doubt], she's leaving the autopilot in charge of censorship and its on the blink.everybody has to promise to be good cos if she comes back on tuesday and finds weve been fighting,swearing and spitting,she will blow her ginger lets all promise to be good.

and for those who are interested myself and kick will be setting up a dogging site after 9pm in the car park of the motoring section

life expectancy of this post 2 hrs tops

lmao at dilf ;o)
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im going to take my dog to the old peoples home to try and cheer then up for a while, will be back in a couple of hours and look forward to hearing what you have done. see you later dilf xx
My friend is in hopsital and very fed up as its her birthday tomorrow.I turned up there at 9.30am this morning to surprise her (she thought I was at home) with chocolates,a card and a big boquet of flowers.You should have seen her face!
aww kazzi how nice of you iv got a permanent smile looking at these posts lol!
know what you mean sam - anything to cheer up a miserable wet day!!

I've been to playgroup with my son this morning, and helped a very harrassed Mum by taking her son away to play for half an hour....prior to this he'd refused to do anything but scream at a very high pitch, and no one could calm him (but fortunately he likes my son alot). I made her a coffee and told her to stay in the kitchen, relax and enjoy it, while I amused said son, and not to come out unless I came to get her. She came out much later looking a less harrassed and gave me a hug!

Mission accomplished loopyc - I love your feel good Friday plan. xxxx.

dilf darling, I think me going dogging with you would be my second random act of kindness I'm in credit for next week already! love you babes! xxxx

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been to the old peoples home with the dog and my son they loved the dog and my little one was lovely to see their faces light it definatly makes you feel better for doing something nice especialy on such a miserable day.
well done lou xxxxxx
loopy, that was lovely, definitely three stars for you (and gold ones at that lol) xxx

Well I was reading your post this morning and I dant done anything then to make people smile and was feeling pretty bad. But I just had my lunch and went round my mums, well when I got there I could hear loads of squeaking coming from in amongst the grass in the garden, I went over to investigate and there was a tiny duckling peering out the grass at me. I picked it up and we went on a wander around the garden and I eventually found its mum and I reunited them :-) made me smile a big smile there too. good on you :o) xx
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you have all my me smile thank you, 4getmenot sorry for being slow just realised the lovely redcrx is your sis!!!!
Yer redcrx is my sis :-) was it you that said she had a little crush on me the other day?

'lovely'? me? awww thanks loopyc you just made someone else smile today :) Yes 4getmenot is my sister and a loving aunty to my little boy.

Hmm now ive got to find a way to make someone smile. i bought my boyfriend tickets to see red hot chilis today. does that count? lol

No but if you gave them to me that would make me smile :-)

well electric blue has made me smile - she has found me a b& b for the weekend when I had almost given up hope as everywhere I rang was fully booked.So im going to the sea side tomorrow night!! And rain or shine im gona love it!!

So 3 stars *** to Electricblue!!!

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yes redcrx it was me!!!

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