my hairs not in the worst condition (i dont straighten it and i use a conditioner every time i wash it), but its looking a bit dry and lack lustre. has anybody tried any products that are good for this. im thinking one of those intensive treatments you can buy but dont know which is best. any idea? thanks! : )
Boots range 'Fresh' do a lovely range - they have a Banana hair mask which makes it soft and lovely.
Or if i havent got any of that i smooth a little Baby oil through the ends of my hair (Dont ever put it on the roots of your hair!!!!) and then rinse very well and shampoo.condition as normal - smooth silky shiny hair!!
I use baby oil in my hair about once a month. Pour some hot water into a bowl, then place a bottle of baby oil in there for a few minuates (Be carfull not to let it get too hot). Then put it in your hair for one or two hours before you shower. make sure you give your hair a really good scrub when shampoo it or you might get a bit in your hair, which makes it look gressy.
hi rebecca - the only reason i dont use it in my roots is that it can sometimes make peoples hair greasy - i do occasionly but when my sister did it her hair was awfully greasy for three days no matter how much we shampooed and scrubbed it!! i think its to do with what type of hair you have!
what about a little trim? or try using a hair mask reguraly like once a week especially for the summer as the sun can really dry your hairs too.
The intensive treatments are very good too.
Try a henna wax treatment (there is no henna in it, my hair is natually dark blonde and I have always used it), you can get it in superdrug for a pound something, You put in on towel dried hair and wrap a very hot towel around your head. I find it a really good treatment, it conditions and makes my hair shiny.
Hope it helps.