Hi sorry for the delay in getting back to you - I presume from your response that you are both quite young. We were 36 (me) and 41 (oh) when he had the snip. We had two boys age 2 and 1. We actually had fertility problems before the first and took our chances afterwards and ended up with 2 kids 13 months apart. We took the decision at that point as we did not wanted to be tempted into another one later! They were initially reluctant to offer the op as my husband went for the consultations on his own - (Try trying to arrange a trip into clinic in town with two babies - while working and no nearby family!) However, he assured them that he had my permission. Their sticking point seemed to be that the children were very young and what if something happened to one of them and we wanted another. My husband told them that children were not a commodity to be replaced if you lost one!
I guess only you can make your decision, but I assure you, your sex life and relationship will improve when the risk of pregnancy is gone, but dont do it if you are not convinced that you will never realistically want more children.
Now that my kids are 7 and 6, I do get the odd pang thinking it would be nice to have another, but never strong enough to regret the decision or to leave my husband for! The thought usually disappears as soon as the boys break into an argument or I see my neighbour with a tearaway toddler.