Having a baby is a huge decision and, especially as you have the chance to make it in the most mature and responsible way you should make the most of it.
I'd love to have a house of my own but until I'm financially stable and ready for the responsibility of buying my own place, I wouldn't dream of it (ditto with a car...the list goes on...).
I also have a number of friends who are pregnant or just had babies or trying and I would love to start a family but, again, until I have as stable a relationship and financial position and environment, again, I wouldn't dream of it.
Accidents and life does happen but while I have the ability to make the best choices I can I will.
It's not having the baby, it's bringing a child into the world who you will be responsible for for life.
Body clock can be a very influential thing. I'm 30, just out of a relationship and have to say it concerns me as having a family of my own is a very important thing to me but I have to let my head rule my hormones.
I saw it happen to a friend of mine, wanted a baby, the relationship wasn't important. She was fantastic at her job and earning a very good wage. She ended up pregnant and alone in a council house on benefits and has had to move to the other side of the UK due to domestic violence.
She was recently made bankrupt which has ruled her out of a job she'd love along with all the other issues.
She is now expecting again with another guy she's not been seeing long at all.
Don't get me wrong, she loves her little one to bits but even she would admit it's not been easy, in fact she's the first to say how bloody hard it's been.