I remember one that had the last word of each line as the start of the next. I can't remember all of it but it had a bit that went- ...Country girls are very pretty, they wrap their legs around your head and like to suck your
Dicky was a bulldog, lying in the grass, along came a bumblebee and stung him on the
Ask no questions, tell no lies...
thanks Eddie! that's not the ending I remember but there's probably loads of variations, there was a bit before the section I put as well that I can't remember
ah I see! the one I referred to had something about a fire station in if I remember correctly and the line before counrty girls... was something about a woman putting something up her... my version seems a bit ruder than yours!
I took my girl to the station
To see the engines shunt
A spark flew out from the engine
And hit her in the
Country girls are very pretty...
thats the start of the one I knew!
took her to the station
to see the engines shunt
put my arm around her feeling for her
country girls are sweet and slick
she put her arm around me and felt
for my
dickie is a bull dog romping round the grass
bee came up behind me stung me on the
ask no questions tell no lies
ever seen a scots man doing up his
flies are a nusiance bugs are worse
this is the end of my clean country verse.
A woman grabbed me by the b*lls
She said 'son, you look full of pluck
Come with me for a f*ck
It might be a tanner, it might be a bob
All depends on the size of your kn*b'