am severely peed off as most of you know I was made redundant a month ago from a job I'd been in 14 years. Anyways to explain there were 3 girls in office and only one job we could go for. One girl who had only been there 2 years said she wasnt going for it if wages didnt go up so she went voluntary. So it was me and other girl going for job, this other girl had been there 17 years so was pretty obvious I wasnt staying. anyway I was told I didnt get the job and was told to leave after a week. The other woman was told to stay on for 3 week so she could get her 2 years pay. Anyway I went in other week on her last day to give her a leaving present and she said she was staying on for a couple of weeks more until other girl coped but since then I have been told they are keeping her!! So I am a bit fed up. I probably ouldnt want to go back but its the whole principal of the thing.
You have my sympathy my wife is on her way into work with an application form for her job on merger of the colleges last year she applied for her job and was given it 12 months on because of cutbacks she has to reapply as their are reducing the managers from 4 to 2 its a difficult enough job as it is she has spent most of the weekend filling in application forms and is well peed off
If I were you 4get, I would phone ACAS and tell them of the situation and get some advice. Something is not right here. ACAS are very helpful. I don't know the current rules and regulations on redundancy and they have changed since I was involved, but this seems wrong.
I wouldnt do that its not her fault. its the idiot managers. she's staying coz its not more work now and her bloke has just changed jobs so its money. But thing is they were getting rid of people because of less work so maybe they should have chosen someone that could do all the work.
I would like to know if its wrong but I wouldnt take it any further because I'm mates with the lady, plus would they want back all the redundancy money and notice money.
4 get, phoning ACAS wouldn't do anything to harm the girl who has stayed on. However, it may be that your employer has contravened the law by doing this. It sounds very iffy to me.
it depends loftie they make people redundant as the role is no longer required and they could say that due to increased business that the there was a business reuirement for an extra person. wouldn't hurt to ring acas and check but you would need more info than you have presently
Do they not have to offer the job back to those made redundant if business goes on the upturn. Both girls were officially made redundant, one through the voluntary option. Did both of you more or less do the same job 4get and offer the same skills? I know there is a skills thing that is taken into account with redundancies these days.
If you both have the same skills then I believe that length of service is taken into account.
A member of my family has recently been made redundant and was offered the job back when business improved.
But as I say, I am out of touch these days and things changed. But as McFluff says it's worth getting in touch with ACAS. They will ask you all the relevant questions and if they need further information you can then provide it. It is confidential and won't go further than ACAS.
annies wrong... I never made tea!! lol. redcrx no I wouldnt as it had all gone downhill and as you can see Head office are a bunch of idiots, but its made me so angry that there was no need to get rid of me and I would have saved a bit then got preggers lol
As has been said phone ACAS with the full story , they will advise you if all has been carried out correctly. Then you will know exactly. It all sounds a bit dodgy to me.It is ok being a friend of the other women but that doesn't put food on your table.If it is dodgy , remember it is the employer who has made it so, not your friends, and he is the one you need to get after , unless you are extremely rich and not interested iand can afford to let things go.
brenda it isnt that I just dont want to go back and work for them twonks!! But as I said its really peed me off and is the principal of the whole thing. A bright side to it though is that my other workmates left too and have started their own business and stolen alot of their clients, ha ha ha
But 4get. They might have to pay you some more money if they have not done this correctly. Can you really afford to let it go? If it were me and I didn't even like the company and thought they were 'twonks', they I would be infuriated and see if I could get the better of them. They wouldn't be very pleased if you threatened them with tribunal would they!?
well at keast you will have had a decent pay out, it's 1 week for every year worked from age 22 to 41 and then a week and a half after that, I hope they paid up prompt ,