Inventions in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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4getmenot | 08:28 Thu 27th May 2010 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Lastnight round my blokes dads for dinner and we started discussing inventions. I told them a few and then someone said he would love to invent an actual ever lasting gob stopper. After a while someone said 'would never work as once you bought one you wouldnt need to buy another' so wouldnt make that much money' Are there any inventions you have thought of but then thought 'what a stupid idea'.
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Yeah....loads. I was usually stoned when thinking them up though.
I once thought of Braille radio for blind people.

"But hold on, that make sense," I hear you cry?

Not when, in my idea, it was Braille car radio.

I even began thinking about the layout of the "point-pads" on the steering-wheel and whether it would be dangerous to have a physically responding car steering-wheel.

Felt very silly when I realised.

Spare Ed

i want a third arm, it would be very pratical it can be the handbag arm leaving hands free for drink and food
My son tried out a 'Drive Thru ATM' when he was in the States and was surprised to see that the notices and keys were also in braille, Ed..........
Can I have some of what you're on Ed?
Yeah! I'd like a 'Travel Pill' I'd like to go on holiday but all the hassle beforhand I can't deal with - Airports, trains ,boats, hassle of booking, passports, tickets, traffic, gives me panic attacks then the anticipation & worry of the journey home, mmm!
A pill to take I close my eye's & I'm there & one to return. Perfect.

I have a third arm!
Yes Dot, yes you can. Currently it is a nice cup of Redbush tea with a tiny amount of milk and honey. Absolutely top-notch stuff.

An American friend of mine enlightened me to the concept of a "drive through cemetery.

Disgusting thought really.

Spare Ed
a drive through cemetery - how does that work

peri you can;t have a third arm, that's not fair
I have and there's a pic of it on my facebook - :-D
this must be the most useless machine ever invented http://tinyurl.com/38o72cx but bet you some people would still buy it
It just allows people to pay their respects...without getting out of the car.
Not related, but one of John Vanderslice's good ones. Media URL: http://youtube.com/watch?v=3mgGBBO_pZ8
I thought of a Katie Price dartboard but didnt know where to stick the bullseye
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an inflatable dartboard!
and lots of puncture kit repairs, 4get

I saw a TV program about useless inventions some years ago and the one that really made me laugh was about the Shell Oil Company spending over 2 million Dollars in developing a Talking Petrol pump for service stations, when the interviewer asked what the point of it was the guy answered it would be an aid to blind people, when the interviewer asked the guy how a blind person managed to drive the car there... Total Silence!
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good one!
I think Willy Wonka has already got the patent on the ever lasting gobstopper

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